Researching consumers and brands in retail markets

Mystery Shopping

Catalyst Market Research has a panel of over 6000 mystery shoppers in the Ireland, Northern Ireland and the UK giving our clients access to an unparalleled level of experience. 


A panel of over 6000 Mystery shoppers in the Republic, Northern Ireland and the UK, gives our clients access to an unparalleled level of experience and a large database of norms against which to measure their performance.

With over 100,000 mystery shops completed, we provide unique insights into how your business, brand or product can be further improved. Our team of specialists ensure that your mystery shopping results will lead to actionable plans.

We provide brand owners with vital information about how to keep their brand promise. In showing you how your customers see your sales, customer service and advisory processes, Catalyst will identify key drivers that lead to increased sales, customer satisfaction and loyalty.

MACAVITY Mystery Shopping System

MACAVITY is Catalyst's mystery shopping system 

  • Panel of over 6,000 shoppers in the Republic, Northern Ireland and Britain.
  • Key performance indicators measured and compared against a current Catalyst database of over 100,000 mystery shop visits
  • Multi-industry and sector database
  • On-line access down to individual mystery shop detail
  • 24 hour access & secure log-in for clients
  • Password protected single and multi-level  access for client management
  • Tailored reporting to brand requirements
  • Email distribution of store visit reports and summary reports
  • Email alerts to management triggered by exceptional scores